拼音:mì bù 英文解釋:
densely covered
充滿;稠密分布;遮蔽整個表面密布曠野的蝗蟲像筋絡一樣密布在山坡上的羊腸小道 >>
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pave 中英例句:
- "天空烏雲密布,我們看得出快來暴風雨了。"
The sky clouded over; we could see there was going to be rainstorm.
- 天空烏雲密布, 很快便下起雨來。
The sky blackened and soon it began to rain.
- 早上還是烏雲密布,下午就放晴了。
The sky was black this morning but then it brightened up in the afternoon.
- 我們的城堡都陰雲密布,我們必須加倍小心。
The skies darken over both our castles, we must take great care.
- 烏雲密布,要下雨了。
The clouds brought a threat of rain.
- 陰雲密布是暴風雨的前兆。
Heavy clouds are the forerunners of a storm.
- 她發現公司里陰雲密布。
She discovered a web of intrigue in the company
- 天空烏雲密布, 電光在雲塊間閃動。
The sky was overcast, the ligtning leaped from cloud to cloud.