拼音:miào jì 英文解釋:
coup; excellent plan; wrinkle
構思新穎獨特的計策諸葛亮的妙計誰人不聞 >>
查看“妙計”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
tweak 例句:
- 看起來他們似乎是一敗塗地了,但說不定他們有錦囊妙計。
It looks as though they have been defeated, but they may have something up their sleeve.
- 託詞或妙計
An ingenious expedient intended to evade or trick.
- 我突然想到一條妙計。
A good idea strikes me.
- 她想這老人自有錦囊妙計。
She think the old man have some clever trick up his sleeve.
- 我倆決定各施妙計。
We two decided touse different tactics.
- 要是我們錢用光了你有什麽錦囊妙計?
Have you any ideas up your sleeve if our money runs out