拼音:miǎn qiǎng英文解釋:
after a fashion; barely enough; constrain; do with difficulty; forceinadequate; reluctance
【法】 reluctance
(1) ∶不心甘情願勉強同意(2) ∶將就或湊合勉強夠用 >>查看“勉強”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.just 2.overdooneself 3.reluctance 4.afterafashion 5.concede 6.constrain 7.barely 8.scarcely 9.constrainoneself 10.inafashion相關對話:
- 我靠父母扶養勉強過活。I can just scrape along on what my parents give me.
- 我們只要給他稍加點分,他就能勉強及格。If we mark him up a tiny bit, he'll just get through.
- 她測驗勉強及格。She only just scraped through the test.
- 她剛剛及格,勉強進了大學。She just scraped into university with the minimum qualifications.
- 我們的錢只能勉強維持到周末。We had barely enough money to last through the weekend.
- 他勉強答應下來了。He gave a reluctant promise.
- 她顯得極其勉強。She showed the utmost reluctance.
- 他在黑暗中只能勉強辨認出道路。He was just able to discern the road from the dark.