- 為永遠地緬懷某人而立一塊碑。
record or memorialize lastingly with a monument.
- 為了緬懷在戰爭中犧牲的人們而建的碑。
built to honor soldiers who died in a war.
- 為了緬懷在戰爭中犧牲的人們而建的碑。
built to honor soldiers who died in a war
- 你有沒有去了值得妳緬懷的地方。
Tell me, did you visit the big-game country?
- 人們選擇11月25號這一天,是為了緬懷多米尼加共和國的三姐妹。
November 25th was chosen to honor three sisters in the Dominican Republic.
- 奧運聖火是人們緬懷古代奧運會的象徵。
The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games
- 為永遠地緬懷某人而立一塊碑。
record or memorialize lastingly with a monument
- 他總是緬懷往事。
He was always buried in memories of the past.