拼音:miàn cháo英文解釋:
look out; look towards中文解釋:
(1) ∶正面對著;朝向面朝河流的房子(2) ∶具有特定方向;向,通往某一物面朝... >>查看“面朝”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 這所房子面朝大海。The house looks to the sea.
- 灌鉛(騙人)的骰子總是某一面朝上的dice fraudulently loaded to fall with a certain face up
- 這座房子面朝大海, 可以看到很美的景觀。The front of the house looks to the sea It gets a beautiful view
- 這幢房子面朝一泓平靜的湖水。The house faces a docile body of water.
- 俯臥或面朝下跌倒To fall down; sprawl.
- 學校主樓的正面朝南。The front of the main school building faces south.