字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>免的英文翻譯 “免”的日文翻譯



avoid; dismiss; escape; exempt; not allowed
【法】 acquit


免 miǎn 去掉,除掉:免除。免稅。免費。免官。免檢。罷免。豁免。 不被某種...


  1. 援救某人於困境或使其受傷害。
    saving someone or something from harm of from an unpleasant situation.
  2. 我們必須多多思考,以受騙。
    We must think so as to avoid dupery.
  3. 她走到大街另一邊,避與他相遇。
    She steps over to the other side to avoid meeting him.
  4. 你將獲得費贈送。
    You shall have it for nothing.
  5. 引起她的懷疑或責難
    avoid causing her suspicion or stricture
  6. 營養因素會影響豬的疫應答
    Nutritional factors can influence immune response of swine
  7. 抗-HCV酶試劑用於血站血液篩查的效果評價
    Evaluation of anti-HCV EIA kits on the screening of blood
  8. 血液疫反應路線圖理論
    Theory of Hemaimmune Reaction Road Map
