continous; floss; soft中文解釋:
綿 (綿) mián 蠶絲結成的片或團,供絮衣被、裝墨盒等用:絲綿。綿綢。綿里...>>查看“綿”在國語字典中的解釋
- 願盡綿薄。I'll do what little I can.
- 她用海綿把那生病的孩子周身擦洗一番,然後把他放在床上。She sponged the sick child down and put him to bed.
- 用海綿擦以便擦淨或弄濕。wipe with a sponge, so as to clean or moisten.
- 發羊叫聲發出山羊或綿羊特點的叫聲To utter the characteristic cry of a goat or sheep.
- 連綿的陰雨天氣使我感到毫無精神。This continual wet weather is getting me down.
- 另一扇車窗中,灰綠色草原綿延不絕,四處是凌亂的罌粟。Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies
- 小綿羊或小山羊;小羊或小孩The young of a sheep or goat; a lamb or kid
- 綿陽19日餘震致200餘名搶險隊員遇難.More than 200 resuers were killed by the aftershocks in Mianyang on May 19.