拼音:měi shí 英文解釋:
(1).味美的食物。《墨子·辭過》:“今則不然,厚作斂於百姓,以為美食、芻豢、... >>
查看“美食”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 美食餐廳是這家飯店的一個特色。
The gastronomic restaurant is a feature of the hotel.
- “海濱鄒魯美食之鄉”,是汕頭的形象寫照。
Shantou is dubbed a land of rich culture and home of gourmets
- 桌子上放著各式各樣的精美食品。
There were dainties of every kind on the table.
- 野雞是我們很少能品嘗到的異味美食。
Pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy
- 西式中餐 美食新潮流
Western-style Chinese Meal:A New Tide of Cate
- “海濱鄒魯美食之鄉”,是汕頭的形象寫照。
Shantou is dubbed a land of rich culture and home of gourmets.
- 對廚師而言,她是美食之都。
To lovers, she is the city of romance.
- 美食家愛吃好東西的人
A lover of good food