拼音:měi rén yú 英文解釋:
mermaid; sea-maid; sea-maiden漢語造句:
- 丹麥:美人魚的故鄉
Denmark:Hometown of Sea-maid
- 成功逃出來以後,他們把寶盒帶回去給美人魚。
They brought the treasure box to the sea-maid after a successful escape
- 小美人魚把王子帶到岸邊。
The little mermaid took the prince to shore.
- 兩形晶體;美人魚的身體是半人半魚的。
a biform crystal; the biform body of a mermaid.
- 美人魚說:“章魚搶走了我的寶盒!”
The sea-maid said,"Octopus robbed my treasure box."
- 兩形晶體;美人魚的身體是半人半魚的。
a biform crystal; the biform body of a mermaid
- 美人魚從不飲用任何品牌的瓶裝水。
Mermaids do not drink any brand of bottled water.
- 成功逃出來以後,他們把寶盒帶回去給美人魚。
They brought the treasure box to the sea-maid after a successful escape.