字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>美貌的英文翻譯 “美貌”的日文翻譯


拼音:měi mào


goodliness; lilies and roses


美麗的容顏 >>查看“美貌”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 獵人:我沒弄錯!皇后嫉妒您的美貌.
    Huntsman: There is no mistake! The Queen is jealous of your beauty.
  2. 他讚美著尼基的美貌,使她羞得面紅耳赤。
    Nikki began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.
  3. 用魅力、美貌或優點使著迷或吸引住
    To attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence.
  4. 現代對美貌的狂熱崇拜造成的具體結果是什麼?
    What are the practical results of this modern cult of beauty?
  5. 美貌猶如一夕花。
    Beauty is but a blossom
  6. “這樣看來,一個女人家對自己的美貌也轉不了多少念頭嘍。”
    "In such cases, a woman has not often much beauty to think of."
  7. 他嘲笑我因火災燒傷而失去了美貌,引我發火。
    He blood when he guyed me about my losing good looks in the fire.
  8. 無數男人為她的美貌傾倒。
    Numerous men fell under the spell of her beauty.
