拼音:mǎ tóu英文解釋:
wharf; dock; jetty; pier; quay; shipside【經】 jetty; pier; wharf
(1) ∶水邊供船停靠的建築(2) 〈方〉∶指交通方便的商業城鎮水陸碼頭 >>查看“碼頭”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他們用繩子把船拴在碼頭上。They tied the ship to the quay with ropes.
- 那班到澳門的船是在幾號碼頭開的?What is the number of the pier where the ship to Macao leaves?
- 繫船柱,帶纜樁在船上或碼頭的粗樁,用於系纜索A thick post on a ship or wharf, used for securing ropes and hawsers.
- 這路無軌車去碼頭嗎?Will this trolley-bus run to the quay?
- 在碼頭供人們上船或下船之用的一種臨時的橋。a temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside
- 使入碼頭使船隻或車輛進入或停靠碼頭To maneuver(a vessel or vehicle) into or next to a dock
- 兩卷繩索仍躺在碼頭上。A couple of coils of rope still lie on the dock
- 整座碼頭,伴隨著一片喘息,在幻象中慢慢後退。The entire pier, with a collective gasp, drew back at the apparition