拼音:máo zhī pǐn英文解釋:
(1) ∶用天然或人造毛紡織成的料子(2) ∶用毛線織成的衣物 >>查看“毛織品”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.woolens 2.woolen 3.duvetine 4.duvetyne 5.duvetyn 6.wollenfabrics 7.stuffgoods 8.woolfabrics中英例句:
- 華達呢結實緊密的棉毛織品或人造絲斜紋布A sturdy, tightly woven fabric of cotton, wool, or rayon twill.
- 一個男人躺在箱子裡的一堆毛織品上。A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.
- 寒冷的冬天,我們不得不穿毛織品。We have to wear woolen clothes in the cold winter.
- 他們只用天然顏料染毛織品。They used only natural pigments to dye the wool.