拼音:mào shī英文解釋:
boldness; liberty中文解釋:
魯莽沒聽明白就下結論也實在太冒失了 >>查看“冒失”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他因冒失的言論而捲入一場官司。He was involved in a lawsuit because of his heedless remarks.
- 有個學生真冒失, 竟然和教授爭論起來。One student make so bold as to argue with the professor.
- 這冒失的小男孩衝出去,被石頭絆倒了。The cheeky little boy rushed out and stumbled over a stone
- 冒失的小孩A forward child
- 他竟把我叫作傻子,真冒失。He was impudent enough to call me a fool.
- 輕率的缺乏責任感的;冒失莽撞的Lacking a sense of responsibility; reckless
- 一個陌生人冒冒失失地闖進我的房間。A stranger plunged head first into my room
- 她是一個冒失的孩子。She is a pert child