拼音:mào pái huò英文解釋:
faker; pinchbeck; pretender【法】 imitation brand goods
偽造或假造的某些東西 >>查看“冒牌貨”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 贗品,冒牌貨某種假冒的、不正當的、低劣的或來由有問題的東西Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
- 那傢伙是個徹徹底底的冒牌貨,他冒稱是個博士。That man is a total phony, he palms himself off as a Phd
- 冒牌貨假的或冒充的人、物;贗品One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.
- 這是真貨還是“美國製造”的廉價冒牌貨?Is this the genuine article or some cheap made in U.S.A.Substitute?
- 冒牌貨假的或冒充的人、物;贗品One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham
- AJ教我們幾招來辨別冒牌貨。AJ gives us some pointers on how to spot a faker.
- AJ教我們幾招來辨別冒牌貨。AJ gives us some pointers on how to spot a faker