字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>貓的的英文翻譯


拼音:māo de




  1. 餵養並精心照看貓的人。
    a person who breeds and cares for cats
  2. 貓的腿比蟲子的腿少。
    A cat have fewer legs than an insect
  3. 用從安哥拉貓的毛髮製成的紗做成的纖維。
    a fabric made with yarn made from the silky hair of the Angora goat
  4. 大貓叼著小貓的頸背.
    The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck
  5. 用從安哥拉貓的毛髮製成的紗做成的纖維。
    a fabric made with yarn made from the silky hair of the Angora goat.
  6. 腳爪的形狀呈圓形,就像貓的腳爪。
    Cat foot——a foot that is round like that of a cat.
  7. 貓的毛摸上去很軟。
    A cat's fur is soft to the touch
  8. 只看到貓的圖案卻沒看到真正的流浪貓。
    I only see the sign but not stray cats.
