拼音:má mù英文解釋:
coma; numbly; numbness; sleep; stupor; torpidity; torpor【醫】 anaesthesia; anesthesia; benumbedness; insensibility; numbness
(1) ∶失去知覺感官全都麻木了(2) (3) 麻木的感覺。又稱麻痹感覺麻木(4... >>查看“麻木”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.numbness 2.numbly 3.stupefy 4.torpor 5.torpidness 6.torpidity 7.anaesthesia 8.anesthesia 9.feelnumb 10.torpify 11.benumbed 12.sleep 13.benumbedness例句:
- 我一直坐在地板上,腳都麻木了。I've been sitting on the floor and my foot's gone to sleep.
- 我給你打一針使這顆牙齒麻木。Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth.
- 她的心因悲傷而麻木。Her heart was numbed with grief.
- 你腳上的麻木感一會兒就會消失。The numbness in your foot will soon pass off.
- 他的腿因劇痛而麻木。His leg was numbed by the intense pain.