拼音:mǎ lè 英文解釋:
轡,用以御馬和約束馬的馬首挽具,包括絡頭、嚼子(口銜)、韁繩,還有其他附屬物 >>
查看“馬勒”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
Mahler 2.
muller 3.
GustavMahler 4.
gagbit 漢語造句:
- 童話城堡——馬勒別墅
A Fairytale Castle--Bridie villa
- 騎手突然一下把馬勒住。
The rider pulled his horse up short.
- 她在小山頂上突然把馬勒住。
She drew up her horse at the top of the hill.
- 那牧民在懸頂把馬勒住。
The herdsman drew up his horse at the top of the cliff.
- 對那個問題進行表決時,米勒跟馬勒相約不參加投票。
In the vote on that question Miller paired off with Muller.
- 連著馬嚼子和頭套的馬勒的兩條帶子。
either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece.
- 連著馬嚼子和頭套的馬勒的兩條帶子。
either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece
- 他把馬勒住。
He held up his horse.