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鍍錫的薄鐵片 >>查看“馬口鐵”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tinplate 2.galvanizediron 3.tinnedplate 4.mottledcastiron 5.blik漢語造句:
- 馬口鐵器皿由馬口鐵製成的容器或盒子A container or box made of tin plate.
- 馬口鐵器皿由馬口鐵製成的容器或盒子A container or box made of tin plate
- 電感耦合電漿發射光譜法測定馬口鐵中的鉛Determination of Lead in Tinplate by ICP AES
- 馬口鐵空罐助焊劑的研究——82~#防鏽焊藥套用試驗報告Study on the Flux of Tin Can-Application of 82 Corrosion Resistance Flux
- 馬口鐵;鐵皮一種上了漆或瓷的金屬器具,通常鍍了金並被畫得十分艷麗A lacquered or enameled metalware, usually gilded and elaborately painted
- 錫製品由錫或馬口鐵製成的物品Articles made of tin or tin plate.