hemp; pocked; rough; sesame; tingle中文解釋:
麻 má 草本植物,種類很多,有“大麻”、“苧麻”、“苘麻”、“亞麻”等。莖皮...>>查看“麻”在國語字典中的解釋
1.numbness 2.leprosy 3.ramie相關對話:
- 你腳上的麻木感一會兒就會消失。The numbness in your foot will soon pass off.
- 在三十年代有很多麻瘋病人。There were many people with leprosy around the age of thirty.
- 麻瘋病是一種影響皮膚和神經的疾病。Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves.
- 他的腿因劇痛而麻木。His leg was numbed by the intense pain.
- 大麻可用來做衣服和繩子。Hemp can be used for cloth and ropes.