拼音:lǜ shī英文翻譯
lawyer; attorney; barrister; counsellor; gownsman【經】 attorney; attorney-at-law; barrister counsel; counsel; lawyer
1.barrister 2.attorney 3.gentlemanofthelongrobe 4.manofbusiness 5.solicit 6.avocat 7.attorneyatlaw 8.alegofthelaw 9.counselor-at-law 10.ambulancechaser 11.Templar 12.abogado 13.advocatus 14.counsellor 15.counsel 16.Lawyer/Attorney例句:
- 他為他的案子聘了該州最好的律師。He retained the best lawyer in the state to defend his case.
- 律師在離開辦公室時被記者攔住了。The lawyer was collared by some journalists as he left his office.
- 什麼也動搖不了他要當律師的決心。Nothing can weaken his resolve to become a lawyer.
- 律師正在到處找尋更多的證據。The lawyer was on a quest for further evidence.
- 他夢想著成為律師。He is dreaming of becoming a lawyer.
- 這件事情你應該請教你的律師。You should seek advice from your lawyer on this matter.
- 她無疑是本市最好的律師。She is easily the best lawyer in the city.
- 律師向我們解釋了新法律。The lawyer explained the new law to us.