字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>氯離子的英文翻譯


拼音:lǜ lí zǐ


【醫】 chloridion


1.chlorion  2.chlorideion  


  1. Fe_3Al基合金耐氯離子介質腐蝕研究
    Investigation of Corrosion Resisfance of Fe3Al-BasedAlloys in CI-Ion Midium
  2. 氯離子廢水COD_(Cr)測定的方法研究
    Determination of COD_(Cr) in high Cl~- wastewater
  3. 混凝土中氯離子擴散引起鋼筋鏽蝕過程的研究
    Study on Steel Bar Rust Caused by Chlorion Diffusion in Concrete
  4. 氯離子通道ClC-2及ClC-3蛋白在鼻息肉發病中的作用
    Expressions of chloride channel ClC-2 and ClC-3 in human nasal polyps
  5. 氯離子廢水中低濃度化學需氧量分析技術
    Techniques of Low COD Analysis of Waste Water with High Chloride
  6. 氯離子和乙二胺四乙酸對鎘的植物有效性的影響
    Effects of chlorine ion and EDTA on cadmium availability to plants.
  7. 氯酸(含氯離子)形成的任何一種鹽。
    any salt of hydrochloric acid (containing the chloride ion).
  8. 因此,只有提高高性能混凝土抗裂能力才能充分發揮其高抗氯離子滲透性能的特性。
    Improving ability of HPC can assume its permeability of chloride ion fully.
