拼音:lù yì sī英文解釋:
- 路易斯太累了,所以吃過晚飯早早上床睡覺了。Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper.
- 如果6號隊員的二傳更好些,路易斯就會扣個好球。If no 6 had set up better, Louis would have made a terrific spike
- 路易斯擅自利用我的名義。Louis made unauthorized use of my name.
- 我很榮幸地介紹今晚的主講人,路易斯教授。It’s my great pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker,Professor Lewis.
- 請問去往聖路易斯乘客是在這裡候機吧?Hello. Is this the right place to wait for UA xxxx to St. Louis, MO?
- 歐弗蘭密蘇里東部一城市,聖路易斯的一郊區。人口17,987A city of eastern Missouri, a suburb of St Louis Population,17, 987