字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>露頭的英文翻譯 “露頭”的日文翻譯


拼音:lù tóu


appear; outcrop


(1) ∶露出頭部(2) ∶岩層露出地表的部分(3) ∶比喻出現旱象已經露頭 >>查看“露頭”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.cropout  2.grasscrop  3.broil  4.exposure  5.broyl  6.beat(ing)  7.basset  8.bryle  9.daystone  


  1. 1976年他在印度政壇初露頭角。
    He first became a power in the land of India in 1976
  2. 利用探地雷達技術探測煤層露頭區灰岩岩溶裂隙
    Detection of the Limestone Karst Cracks in Coal Outcrop Area by GPR
  3. 露頭不良的礦化幾乎肯定要漏掉。
    Poorly exposed mineralization is almost certain to be overlooked.
  4. 這是他首次向世界嶄露頭角。
    This was the first occasion for Diego to show himself to the world.
  5. 非洲是世界上正在展露頭角的地區。
    Africa is now the emerging area of the world.
  6. 這位年青的雜技演員第一次嶄露頭角是走鋼絲。
    The young acrobat first began to make her mark by walking the tightrope.
  7. 他年紀輕輕的時候就已在娛樂界嶄露頭角。
    He cut a figure in entertainment industry when he was very young
  8. 我記得披頭士嶄露頭角的年代。
    I remember when the Beatles were an up-and-coming rock group.
