拼音:luò yè英文解釋:
defoliation; fallen leaves; shatter【醫】 cataphyll
落葉植物在生長季節末或一短時間內的葉子分離或脫落,或裸子植物在全年內斷斷續續的自... >>查看“落葉”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.leaffall 2.deblade 3.shedleaves 4.leafabscission 5.deciduousleaf例句:
- 到時候樹就落葉、花就掉瓣。Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals.
- 落葉盤鏇著飄到了地上。The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.
- 我的鄰居把落葉從牆頭上倒進我的花園裡了。My neighbour has been tipping dead leaves over the wall into my garden.
- 落葉松長著球果和針形的葉子。Larch has small cones and needle-like leaves.
- 落葉嗒塔地打在玻璃窗上。The falling leaves pattered against the windowpanes.