字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>落伍的英文翻譯 “落伍”的日文翻譯


拼音:luò wǔ


drop behind; fogyism; straggle


落在隊伍的後面,跟不上隊伍。引申為思想行為都落在人後,不能跟著時代潮流一起前進,... >>查看“落伍”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 在大苦大難後升遷的人也好嫉妒,因為他們就像時代的落伍者似的,以為別人受到傷害就可補償自己曾經歷的苦難。
    The same is the case of men, that rise after calamities and misfortunes. For they are as men fallen out with the times; and think other men's harms, a redemption of their own sufferings.
  2. 新機器之發展於許多的工廠顯的落伍
    The development of new machinery has outdated many plants.
  3. 我倒樂意看起來像一個思想落伍的人,那樣人們就不會指望你什麼了。
    I enjoy appearing to be a mossbackPeople expect so little from you
  4. 跟不上;落伍
    To fail to keep up a pace; straggle.
  5. 我們需要保證自己的品牌不落伍
    You need to keep your brands relevant.
  6. 跟不上;落伍
    To fail to keep up a pace; straggle
  7. 後來他落伍了。
    Later he dropped to the rear.
