拼音:luò tuò 英文解釋:
abjection; come down in the world; comedown; down and out
(1) 窮困不得意家貧落魄,無以為衣食業。——《史記&... >>
查看“落魄”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
godownintheworld 2.
abjectness 中英例句:
- 嚇得喪魂落魄
be scared out of one's wits; be frightened out of one's life
- 我依然要感謝那些在我落魄時支持我的人.
My thanks also go to those who still stuck by me ,when I was on dark days.
- 失魂落魄
be scared out of one's wits
- 窮途落魄
no ways and means for living
- 她氣得失魂落魄,是她媽媽在走廊里的聲音喚醒了她。
Her mother’s voice in the corridor roused her from an angry trance.
- 廢人,失魂落魄的人身體上或精神上崩潰或極度受損的人
A person who is physically or mentally broken down or worn out
- 廢人,失魂落魄的人身體上或精神上崩潰或極度受損的人
A person who is physically or mentally broken down or worn out.