拼音:lún zuò 英文解釋:
在同一塊地上依次種植不同的作物,以保護土壤的生產力 >>
查看“輪作”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
rotationofcrops 2.
rotation 3.
croprotation 4.
convertiblehusbandry 5.
shiftagriculture 6.
alternationofculture 7.
changeofcrops 漢語造句:
- 多數農民實行輪作。
Most farmers alternate their crops.
- 員工的輪流替換;農作物的輪作
A rotation of personnel; crop rotation.
- 員工的輪流替換;農作物的輪作
A rotation of personnel; crop rotation.
- 為保持土壤肥力, 農民搞作物輪作。
Farmers rotate their crops so that the soil will remain fertile.
- 松嫩平原糧草輪作定位試驗研究
Site Experimental Study on Grain-Grass Rotation in Song-Nen River Plain
- 大豆-玉米輪作區適宜NPK用量試驗研究
The Research on Optimal NPK Dosage in Soybean-Corn Rotation System
- 玉米和大豆是棉花種植3年後的輪作作物。
Corn or soybean are planted as a rotation crop after three years of cotton.