拼音:lún dūn英文解釋:
London【經】 Ldn
英國首都,多霧 >>查看“倫敦”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 我們搬到倫敦, 真有天壤之別.We found it quite a change when we moved to London.
- 您打算回倫敦,是嗎?You intend to return to london, do not you?
- 目前,這種樣式的帽子在倫敦十分風行。This kind of hat is all the fashion now in London.
- 根據時間表,10點22分應該有一列去倫敦的火車。According to the timetable, there shall be a train to London at 10:22
- 我的家鄉在倫敦附近的一個小鎮上。Mine hometown is a small town around London
- 他開車向倫敦方向駛去。He drove away in the direction of London.
- 他們在倫敦公寓的租契再過幾個月就期滿了。The lease on their London flat runs out in a few months.
- 普通郵件從這兒寄往倫敦要花兩個星期左右時間。It takes about two weeks to go surface mail from here to London.