字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>論調的英文翻譯 “論調”的日文翻譯


拼音:lùn diào


argument; view


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  1. 一旦你聽了所有的論調以後你會說,好吧,也許他們盡了最大的努力了。可是當孩子的安全受到威脅時,我們便不應抱著遷就的態度。
    Once you hear all the arguments, you begin to say, well, maybe this is the best they can do. But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.
  2. 它仍然需要更多的驗證來支持這個論調
    It is still need a lot of testify to support it.
  3. 對這種論調,我不以為然。
    I beg to disagree with such a view
  4. 對這種論調,我不以為然。
    I beg to disagree with such a view.
  5. 演講人突然改變了論調,把我們都搞糊塗了。
    The speaker suddenly changed tack and left us all rather confused.
  6. 他如何支持這個論調?
    How does he back up this claim?
