拼音:lú bǐ英文解釋:
印度等國的貨幣單位 >>查看“盧比”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 他起訴要求賠償損失500盧比。He sued for damage to the extent of five hundred rupees.
- 俄羅斯的標準流通貨幣是盧比。The standard unit of currency in Russia is the Ruble.
- 看了一眼賬本,51盧比,101盧比。On the ledger, I saw rbs51, rbs101.
- 納什在繳納了25,000盧比的保釋金後,被釋放。Nash was released on bail of 25,000 rupees.
- 最後,他們來到了一條叫做盧比孔的小河邊。At last they came to a little river called the Rubicon
- 最後,他們來到了一條叫做盧比孔的小河邊。At last they came to a little river called the Rubicon.