字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>亂的英文翻譯 “亂”的日文翻譯



in disorder; in confusion; chaos; promiscuity; random; turmoil


亂 (亂) luàn 沒有秩序:亂套。紊亂。凌亂。 社會動盪,戰爭,武裝騷擾:...


  1. 馬雷市是綠洲地區中一座凌的城市,是用白色的、死氣沉沉的磚塊一塊塊堆壘起來的。
    Mari was a scrawl over the oasis, built piecemeal in a pallid, dead brick
  2. 並沒有得到避免“1972-79年的起義就是最好的證明。
    Turmoil was not avoided: the insurgency of 1972-79 was proof of that.
  3. 這是最根本的撥反正。
    That was the most important thing we did to set things right.
  4. 骯髒地方,邋遢地方骯髒或非常凌的地方
    A dirty or very untidy place
  5. 狀態,眩暈;騷動
    A state of confusion; tumult.
  6. 安靜些!我有些心煩意
    Be quite! I am in a tumultuous passion
  7. 到了極點
    in a state of utmost confusion
  8. 寫了幾行
    scribble a few lines
