land; six中文解釋:
陸 (陸) lù 高出水面的土地:陸地。大陸。 隨從的樣子:陸陸續續。 跳躍:...>>查看“陸”在國語字典中的解釋
1.land 2.shore 3.lunarite 4.triphibian中英例句:
- 在海上航行了三天,我們終於看見了大陸。After three days at sea we sighted the land.
- 那個駕駛員設法讓滑翔機著陸到一個安全的地方。The pilot managed to land the glider on a safe place.
- 海水漸漸地侵蝕了陸地。The sea is gradually encroaching on the land.
- 我們很高興又踏上陸地了。We are glad to be on land again.
- 當看見陸地時,那水手發出一聲歡呼。When the land was seen, the sailor let out a whoop of joy.
- 你喜歡哪一種生活,陸上生活還是水上生活?Which do you prefer, life on land or life afloat?
- 海狸既能在陸上生活也能在水裡生活。The beaver lives both on land and in water.
- 飛機在著陸之前在機場上空盤旋。The plane circled the airport before landing.