拼音:lóu gé 英文解釋:
泛指樓房。閣,架空的樓。《後漢書·呂強傳》:“造起館舍,凡有萬數,樓閣連線,丹... >>
查看“樓閣”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
multi-storeyedpavilion 2.
chateau 漢語造句:
- 空中樓閣,要有一大筆費用來維持。
Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up.
- 你的計畫只不過是空中樓閣。
Your scheme is merely a castle in the air
- 在空中建築樓閣比在地上建築更為有趣。
There is more pleasure in building castles in the air than on the ground.
- 他腦袋裡裝載著空中樓閣回到了寄宿處。
He returned to his lodging with his head full of castle in the air.
- 空中樓閣,要有一大筆費用來維持。
Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up
- 他們的計畫不過是空中樓閣而已,因為它根本行不通。
Their plan is merely a castle in the air because it is simply impracticable
- 他們的打算證明,全都不過是空中樓閣。
Their calculations have all been proved to be castles in the air.
- 山頂上有許多亭台樓閣。
Many airy pavilions and pagodas are on the top of the mountain.