拼音:lóng zi 英文解釋:
basket; cage; coop
(1).竹編的盛物器具。 北魏 賈思勰 《齊民要術·白醪酒》:“作胡葈湯,令... >>
查看“籠子”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 他們隔著籠子的欄桿用尖東西捅那動物。
They prodded (at) the animal through the bars of its cage.
- 我呆在那個辦公室里感覺真像在籠子里一樣。
I felt terribly caged in in that office.
- 把鳥關在籠子里殘忍不殘忍?
Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage?
- 我的貓跑出籠子(籃子)外了.
My cat came out of the basket.
- 那頭獅子在籠子里走來走去。
The lion paced the floor of its cage.
- 嚼舌的鸚鵡被關在籠子里。
The talkative parrot is shut up in a cage.
- 我們不如和我們隊的吉祥物一起呆在籠子里。
We might as well be in that cage with the team mascot.
- (通常用金屬和木頭製成的)飼養動物的籠子。
a cage (usually made of wood and wire mesh) for small animals