拼音:lì zi英文解釋:
example; instance【法】 instance
(1).舊規;慣例。《西遊記》第四八回:“怪物聽説,又不敢動手,攔住門喝道:‘你... >>查看“例子”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 複合節奏同時對照節奏的運用或例子The use or an instance of simultaneous contrasting rhythms.
- 這是一個新邊疆殖民的典型例子。IT IS a typical example of the colonisation of a new frontier.
- 最後利用該文的方法給出了對UCI機器學習資料庫的例子的約簡結果。Finally,it get reduction results of UCI databases using the algorithm.
- 這方面的例子多得很。Examples of this abound.
- 任命指派某人到一職位的行為或例子The act or an instance of appointing a person to office.
- 從幾個例子中僅給你舉出一例...To give you only one example out of several...
- 他很自私,不願意幫助朋友就是一個明顯的例子。He is selfish His unwillingness to help his friends is a case in point
- 她向我列舉了好幾個例子。She quoted me several examples.