- 七弦琴,西特琴一種16世紀的琴體扁平、呈梨形的吉他
A16th-century guitar with a flat, pear-shaped body
- 一種木製的梨形陀螺,還帶有一個金屬中心釘。
a pear-shaped top made of wood with a metal center pin.
- 圓形或梨形的多刺水果,各種仙人掌科刺梨的果實。
round or pear-shaped spiny fruit of any of various prickly pear cacti.
- 梨形環棱螺凝集素的初步研究
A Preliminary Study on Bellamy purificataLectin
- 每顆腰果位於一條梨形的小肉莖中,也就是假果。
Each nut grows inside a small, pear-shaped peduncle—a false fruit
- 梨形環棱螺凝集素的初步研究
A Preliminary Study on Bellamy purificataLectin.
- 一種木製的梨形陀螺,還帶有一個金屬中心釘。
a pear-shaped top made of wood with a metal center pin
- 個頭大的梨形水果,與葡萄柚相似,但是果肉比較粗糙。
large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse dry pulp.