拼音:liú xīng英文翻譯
falling star; meteor; shooting star相關詞條:
1.shootingstar 2.fallingstar 3.meteo 4.fallingstar 5.Perseid例句:
- 流星划過天空。A meteor shot across the sky.
- 你看見流星時提出願望嗎?Do you wish when you see a shooting star?
- 流星在空中畫出了一道長長的弧線。The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
- 據說如果你在看見流星時許個願,願望就會實現。It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.
流星的意思 太陽系中無數小微粒之一,只有當它碰巧落到地球大氣層內時才能直接觀測到,在大氣中由於受到運動的阻力會引起暫時的灼熱,此時若在夜間,天空中就出現一道亮光詳細解釋.星際空間分布的叫做流星體的細小物體飛進地

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