拼音:liú xīn英文解釋:
take care; ware; heed; keep one's eyes open; notice; precaution【法】 nota bene
小心;注意 留心別寫錯了 >>查看“留心”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.mind 2.keepone'seyesopen 3.keepbotheyesopen 4.lookoutfor 5.onthewatch 6.precaution 7.seeingto 8.preserve 9.heed 10.notice 11.bemindfulof 12.ware 13.withcaution 14.ontheball 15.mindful 16.keepbotheyespeeled相關對話:
- 我跟你說話的時候,你要留心聽!Pay attention when I'm talking to you!
- 你必須留心腳下才不會跌下去。You must watch your step so as not to fall down.
- 留心那級台階,它有點鬆動了。Mind that step; it's loose!
- 不小心的未給予應有的注意小心或關注的;不留心的Failing to give due heed, care, or attention; inattentive.