拼音:liú shì 英文解釋:
elapse; lapse; pass; roll around; run on; run out中文解釋:
時間消逝;悄悄逝去好幾小時靜靜地流逝了 >>
查看“流逝”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
elapse 2.
flowaway 漢語造句:
- 時光的流逝會給我們每個人都打下印記。
The march of time leaves its print on all of us.
- 歲月流逝。
Years rolled on.
- 隨著歲月的流逝,我們變聰明了,也變得多愁善感了。
As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder.
- 使我回想起,那些己流逝了的美好片段。
And I recall the moment of them all.
- 我們隨時光流逝而長大
We grow older with the hours.
- 隨著歲月的流逝我變得既聰明又憂傷。
As the years go on, I grow both wiser and sadder.
- (時間)已經過去或消逝的:流逝的時間。
(of time) having passed or slipped by: elapsed time.
- 時光的流逝治癒了他的悲哀。
Time cured him of his grief.