字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>流離失所的英文翻譯 “流離失所”的日文翻譯


拼音:liú lí shī suǒ


become destitute and homeless


流落他鄉,無處安身 馳赴災區,核實散放,毋任流離失所。—&mdash... >>查看“流離失所”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 上月人力資源局所發表的一項五年計畫,將要加強對流離失所家庭的服務,並給予較好的安置。
    A five-year plan unveiled by the Human Resources Administration last month promises beefed–up services to homeless families and better accommodations.
  2. 貧病交迫的難民都是在戰爭中流離失所的。
    Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.
  3. 數百萬人因戰爭而流離失所
    Millions of people were uprooted by the war.
  4. 數百萬人因戰爭而流離失所
    Millions of people were uprooted by the war.
  5. 貧病交迫的難民都是在戰爭中流離失所的。
    Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.
  6. 白色是一種破碎,是內心的流離失所
    White signifies brewk,the wander of the heart.
  7. 去年這家人兩次被大火燒得流離失所
    The family were burnt out of their home twice last year.
