拼音:liú cún英文解釋:
keep; remain【經】 retain
(1) ∶保存(2) ∶存放此稿留存(3) ∶存在;未消失 >>查看“留存”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.layaside 2.retention例句:
- 這個城鎮留存的最後一個電影院去年也倒閉了,現在它成了一個賓戈娛樂場。The town's last remaining cinema went west last year and it's now a bingo palace.
- 我喜歡在手頭留存一些信封, 以備不時之需。I like to keep a few envelopes about in case I need them.
- 越南戰爭將留存在人們的記憶中。The memory of the Vietnam war lives on.
- 創傷可癒合,傷疤猶留存。Though the *nd be healed yet a scar remains
- 即使食物到了保質期,買來之後也仍可留存一段時間再吃掉。Even if the food is sold on the sell-by date, it can still be eaten later.
- 創傷可癒合,傷疤猶留存。Though the *nd be healed yet a scar remains.