字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>流出的的英文翻譯


拼音:liú chū de


effluent; effusive; excurrent
【醫】 effluent


1.scaturient  2.exudative  


  1. 開著洞的打開或放在適當的位置以便讓如酒等液體能流出的
    Opened or positioned so that a liquid, such as wine, can be let out
  2. 支流,分流從主幹河流岔流出的支流
    A branch of a river that flows away from the main stream.
  3. 流出流出的動作或狀況
    The act or an instance of effusing.
  4. 廢水從排水管道中流出的物體
    An outflow from a sewer or sewage system
  5. 一條曾經從該湖流出的小河,現在已經變成了一條滴流。
    A river that flowed out of the lake was reduced to a trickle.
  6. 水流從水體中流出的溪流
    A stream flowing out of a body of water.
  7. 從火山口流出的熔岩
    Lava issuing from the brim of the crater.
  8. 一條曾經從該湖流出的小河,現在已經變成了一條滴流。
    A river that flowed out of the lake was reduced to a trickle
