字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>領先的的英文翻譯


拼音:lǐng xiān de


banner; one-up


  1. 我們以遙遙領先的比分獲勝。
    We won by a lopsided score
  2. 賣底和要命是我們能夠2-1領先的原因。
    Tracy and Yao are the reason we are up 2-1.
  3. 歷經七年成長,現已發展成為業內領先的服裝配套龍頭企業。
    Af-ter 7 years′development, it has become a leading entity in this field
  4. 船在沙灘上擱淺之前,他們在划船比賽中一直是領先的
    They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank
  5. 我們以遙遙領先的比分獲勝。
    We won by a lopsided score.
  6. 此客戶是世界領先的紙品及消費品包裝行業公司之一。
    This company aims at supplying packaging to brand owners globally.
  7. 他以一卒領先;在三角錦旗賽跑中領先的那一隊。
    he is ahead by a pawn; the leading team in the pennant race
  8. 在賽跑中趕上領先的
    Gain on the leader in a race
