拼音:lǐng qǔ英文解釋:
draw; pull down中文解釋:
取得給予的東西領取出入證 >>查看“領取”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 從那時起他一直領取退休金。Since then he has been drawing a pension.
- 您的兩個領取行李的存根貼在機票正面了。Your two baggage claim stubs are attached to the ticket cover.
- 領取政府救濟金的人數正在不斷增長中。And the number of people who receive government benefits is increasing.
- 我領取薪水袋。I received my pay envelope.
- 他從政府領取年金。He have a government annuity or an annuity from the government.
- 昨天我拿到一張郵包到達通知單。我能在這兒領取嗎?I got a parcel arrival notice yesterday.Can I get it here?