拼音:lǐng lù英文解釋:
lead the way中文解釋:
帶路院子太黑,我來領路 >>查看“領路”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 綠色車子在領路。The green car is leading.
- 帶著警犬領路吧,它馬上會把好傢夥的行蹤嗅出來。Lead the way with the police dog; he'll soon small the fellow out.
- 你給我們領路好像我們是生人似的。You lead the way as we are strangers.
- 這些小男孩徒步遠遊需要有人領路。These little boys need someone to lead the way on their hike.
- 我們的老師是領路人,她會告訴我們怎么走的。Our teacher is the leader — she will show us where to go.
- 被領導者或領路人陪伴的。accompanied by a leader or guide
- 被領導者或領路人陪伴的。accompanied by a leader or guide.