拼音:líng gǎn 英文解釋:
afflatus; inspiration
靈驗;靈應。不用平常的感覺器官而能使精神互相交通,亦稱遠隔知覺。或指無意識中突然... >>
查看“靈感”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
rage 2.
afflatus 例句:
- 華茲華斯從風景優美的英格蘭湖區獲得靈感。那地方是他靈感的巨大源泉。
Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in/drew (his) inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was a great source of inspiration to him.
- 她的作品表現出她很有靈感。
Her work shows real inspiration.
- 英格蘭湖區的美景給了華茲華斯靈感而創作出他最偉大的詩篇。
The Lake District scenery inspired Wordsworth to write his greatest poetry.
- 她的演說對於聽眾來說永遠是靈感之源。
Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences.
- 許多詩人和藝術家從大自然中獲得他們的靈感。
Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.
- 他最好的樂曲創作靈感來自懷念他的母親。
His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.