拼音:lǐng dì英文解釋:
manor; territory; demesne; possession; seigniory; signory【法】 demesne; lairdship; manerlum; seignory
(1) ∶古時領主所占有的土地(2) ∶領土;國王、封建主、國家、聯邦享有主權的... >>查看“領地”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.lordship 2.seignory 3.seigneury 4.preceptory 5.pashalic 6.fief相關對話:
- 小國君主的權位王子(或諸侯、親王、小國君主)的領地、管轄權、權位、地位或財產The territory, jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince.
- 托管國負責管理監督託管領地的國家A country responsible for supervising a trust territory.
- 里賈納加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的首府和最大城市,位於這個省的南部,薩斯卡通的東南部。在1905年薩斯喀徹溫省建立以前這個城市一直是西北領地的首府。人口162,613The capital and largest city of Saskatchewan, Canada, in the southern part of the province southeast of Saskatoon. It was the capital of the Northwest Territories until the province of Saskatchewan was created in1905. Population, 162,613.
- 這家公司被授予特權,可以在被占領地區進行貿易活動。The company was granted a charter trade in the occupied territory.