- 這一同盟是由共產黨領導的。
The League was led by Communists.
- 她力求贏得人們對她所領導的運動的支持。
She tried to beat up some support for the campaign she was leading.
- 他們對領導的盲目崇拜是不健康的。
Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy.
- 傳達總部/大區總部/公司領導的規定/通知.
Herald the notice from HQ, South Region HQ,or company director.
- 一個接受其它人領導的普通的人。
an ordinary person who accepts the leadership of another.
- 貿易世紀的缺乏領導的或被誤導的混亂-約翰·梅斯菲爾德。
the unled or misled welter of a commercial century- John Masefield
- 列寧有句類似的話說,真理和謬誤只有一步之遙。羅斯福講到領導的藝術的時候則說,領先民眾只能有一步——不領先不是領導,太多了民眾跟不上。
From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step---Napoleon I
- 這個歌唱組是由達夫先生領導的。
The singing group is under the direction of Mr.Duff.