拼音:líng dān miào yào 英文解釋:
靈:靈驗。指靈驗有效的奇藥。也比喻能解決一切疑難問題的好辦法 望大聖爺爺早發靈丹... >>
查看“靈丹妙藥”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
catholicon 2.
miraculouscure 3.
elixir 4.
elixirvitae 5.
goldenremedy 6.
magicdrug 7.
nostrum 8.
panacea 9.
sovereignremedy 例句:
- 那個假日是消除上班工作壓力的靈丹妙藥。
The holiday was a marvellous antidote to the pressures of office work.
- 那個假日是消除上班工作壓力的靈丹妙藥。
The holiday was a marvellous antidote to the pressures of office work
- 那個假日是消除上班工作壓力的靈丹妙藥。
The holiday was a marvellous antidote to the pressures of office work.
- 愛是一劑治療心靈創傷的靈丹妙藥。
Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds
- 這藥被吹噓成靈丹妙藥。
The medicine has been cried up as remedy for all disease.
- 可再生能源並非靈丹妙藥。
Renewable energy is no panacea.