拼音:lì fāng mǐ英文解釋:
stere【醫】 stere
容積單位,等於每邊長為一米的一個立方體的容積,等於1米 3 >>查看“立方米”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.stere 2.cubicmetre相關對話:
- 這個貨櫃的體積是20立方米。The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters.
- 共搬運土方150萬立方米。1.5 million cubic metres of earth were moved.
- 截至目前,共抽取礦井積水8027萬立方米。So far, a total of 802,700 cubic meters of water in the mine
- 總共,350立方米的原料被搬運。In all, 350m cubic meters of material will have been moved.
- 這個貨櫃的容量是1000立方米。The volume of this container is 1000 cubic metres.
- 水庫的設計儲水量為8200萬立方米。The reservoir was designed to hold 82000000 cubic metres of water.